Thursday, July 22, 2010

How can Man legislate against a Law of Nature?

From Mauricio Jaramillo - My view on Migration, Legal or Illegal.

I am Hispanic, I guess that is obvious when you see my name, I am not Illegal (what would my friends say if I were?) I was born in New York, but raised in South America, I’ve lived in 5 countries and have experienced different mentalities, different perspectives , to a certain degree these have permeated my own.

Migration is a law of nature; many species migrate to guarantee their own survival. For water, food, climate, or for Money(which in essence, is just a medium of exchange; a store of value), Some of these species cross desserts, oceans , mountain ranges for the betterment of their own, are we so naive to think that a river, walls, barb wire, and laws will stop nature and what it has been doing for thousands of years?

Some of these Laws are very harsh like illegal re-entry(coming back to the U.S. after having been deported) 48 months in Federal Prison “that’s 4 years” when your only crime was getting caught landscaping somebody’s yard twice (no wonder the federal prison system is so overcrowded). This is not enough to stop migration, to stop Nature.

A few hundred years ago this was a country that belonged to the natives. Migrants, foreigners took it by force turning these natives into pariahs of society and claiming this land as their own. Not too long ago right after WWII we had a great influx of people from Europe that had nothing but were looking for something; today they are an asset to this country. This is the history of this land, people coming here and making America what it is. Today all of us (most of us) here in America are immigrants or the descendents of immigrants. Who are we to judge those who want to do what our parents or grandparents did?

Am I against regulating immigration? No, I believe that nowadays we need to be careful of who comes in and out of this country; Do i believe we will be able to stop immigration? No, with close to 7 billion people from 193 nations in this world migration is a fact.

The way this country is going it may not be too far in the future when Americans will have to migrate. The complacency of our population has contributed to a major decay in our standard of living, are we trying to put this blame on illegal immigration because they are willing to work harder, longer and for less?, maybe that is what we need to become competitive again, people who are willing to work harder and longer

To stop migration once and for all, should we build a high enough fence and prevent geese from constantly flying north and south at their own will?

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