Production Versus Plunder Part 5
By Paul Rosenberg - May 02, 2015
Surveillance is nothing new. In fact, it goes back some seven
thousand years. Then, as now, it quietly destroyed productive modes of life.
Furthermore, it was fundamental in setting one class of people (rulers) above
all other people (the ruled).
This two-class division of humanity was not always with us; it
began in specific ways, which we'll examine today.
illustrated by last week's time line, the great benefactors of humanity – the
unnamed first farmers – experienced a stunning explosion of creativity and very
shortly found themselves the effective prisoners of barbaric, ignorant men who
harnessed and slowly ruined what they had created.
first, the farmers simply gave up a portion of their harvest and tried their
best to work around the stupid, barbaric rulers. It was only when a more clever
set of rulers arrived that the more serious damage began. This, more serious
damage, was two-fold:
1. Piece
by piece, their actions were restricted and monitored. It is difficult enough
to create useful things when a man is fully unopposed, but if, before he acts,
he must also consider whether or not he will be punished, creativity is forced
to overcome additional and large obstacles. The more controls, observations and
punishments, the fewer useful innovations arise.
2. More
importantly, their range of thought was restricted. The imposition of a
dominating, arbitrary, punishing god upon men's thoughts is inherently
intimidating, and intimidation powerfully opposes creative thought. When men
fear that new thoughts will be punished, they allow few to pass through their
minds, and admit to even fewer.
It is
important to remember that the cities we are discussing here were small by
modern standards. That meant that the ruler was never terribly far away and
there was often no dark corner to hide in. The watcher was close and records
were kept. Hiding was difficult.
successive waves of rulership rolled over the Tigris-Euphrates valley, the
structures of government and their associated theologies and punishments
occupied more and more of men's minds and activities. During the semi-creative
city-state period (5400-3000 B.C.) temple complexes like the one shown below1 were
The Government Buildings
of Uruk in 3400 B.C.
Image courtesy of R. K.
Englund, UCLA
One of
the primary features of these temple complexes was that they separated
'ordinary' men from their rulers and, especially, from the holy places. Restricted
passages, courtyards, and great stairways had to be traversed in order to reach
the important places. This had multiple effects:
It instilled the idea that the rulers, priests and gods were of
a different class than the average men. They were literally above and
figuratively above.
When a man was given access to the special places, he felt as
though an honor was bestowed upon him. He had attained a special status and
enjoyed the feeling. He would now be considerably less likely to turn against
the regime.
The king, seeing that his subject was proud and moved to be
admitted to his presence, was confirmed in his own eyes as being of a higher
class of humans and worthy to rule. The kings of old often did consider
themselves gods, and this effect of reflected glory contributed considerably to
Occupying a position of power (able to call forth violence) and
being associated with the gods, made the ruler a very powerful imposer of
shame. That gave them a terribly powerful weapon to use in securing the
acquiescence of their subjects.
function of the temple complex buildings and palace buildings were as halls of
records. This love of control and order extended all through the years after
5400 B.C. For example, an archive has been unearthed at a city called Ebla,
dating from 2350 B.C. The room was ringed with shelves and held approximately
2100 clay tablets. On the tablets were administrative records of:
Textile accounts
Metal accounts
Tax deliveries
Temple offerings
State reports
Scribal exercises
Villages (hundreds)
Large animal herds (thousands of animals)
A wool industry
Tribute paid to a superior city named Mari
This is
but one example of Sumerian record-keeping. Thousands of additional tablets
have been found, recording things such as:
An appointment to a clerkship
The establishment of a Food Office
Legal documents in regard to slaves
Legal document in regard to an office
Agreements between parties
Deed of sale of palm grove
Deed of sale of a male slave
Receipt of purchase money for a pair of slaves
Documents in regard to loans of silver
Promissory notes
Acknowledgments of loans of grain
Acknowledgment of loan of dates
A bond
Receipt for silver
Receipts for grain
Receipts for vegetables of various kinds
Receipts for different kinds of beans
Receipt for dates
Receipts for figs
Receipts for straw
Accounts of the receipts for corn
Account of the receipts for bronze
Statement of silver, corn, oil, etc., received and at hand
Statements of shiploads of grain delivered
Statement of corn, wheat and vegetables delivered and at hand
Statement of garments at hand
Statement of chairs on hand
Storehouse accounts: corn, wheat, grain, vegetables, beans,
dates, bronze
Accounts of the cost of the tilling of fields, as wages, feed of
Renting of fields to different persons
Account of fields, their measurements, condition
Enumeration of belongings, as implements, weapons, victuals,
Assignments of garments
Expenditure of sesame oil
Grain for the temple of En-lil
Grain for temple offerings
Flour and grain for temple offerings
Temple offerings and porphyry stone for couches for the deities
Lists of wages paid to officials, employees, artisans and
A final
and crucial area of importance was the general psychology of the people of
Sumer. Enough records exist to reconstruct the general mind-set of the Sumerian
period; that is, in the period of serious decline. Kramer says2:
A Sumerian tended to take
a tragic view of his fate and destiny. They were convinced that man was
fashioned from clay and created for one purpose only: to serve the gods by
supplying them with food, drink and shelter so that they might have leisure for
their divine activities.
You can
see here the result of the long centuries (millennia, in fact) of
indoctrination by rulers and priests. Holding a tragic view of life means that
very little action will be taken to change anything. By this point, these
people had accepted that their role in life was little different than that of
slaves or intelligent beasts of burden.
about 2200 B.C., near the end of the Sumerian empire, a father writes this to
his son:
Do not
speak ill, speak only good. Do not say evil things, speak well of people. He
who speaks ill and says evil---people will waylay him because of his debt to
Shamash. Do not talk too freely, watch what you say. Do not express your
innermost thoughts even when you are alone. What you say in haste you may regret
later. Exert yourself to restrain your speech.
your god every day. Sacrifice and pious utterance are the proper accompaniment
of incense. Have a freewill offering for your god, for this is proper toward a
god. Prayer, supplication, and prostration offer him daily, then your prayer
will be granted, and you will be in harmony with god.
the caution, the uncertainty of mind, the fear of being impious. This is what
control, regulation and fear breed. It created a mass of people who were easy
to rule but unable to adapt, arise or create. Thus Sumer, the place of
humanity's greatest explosion of progress, descended into uselessness and was
overrun in full.
By the
time of the death of the Sumerian empire, rulers the world over were trying to
conquer city after city and string them into empires. This lasted for more than
five hundred years, during which time there were Egyptian, Babylonian, Hittite,
Assyrian, Kassite and Elamite empires.
1This is an excavation grid from the city of Uruk, which was
constructed at about 3400 B.C.
2Again, from his essay Sumerian History, Culture and Literature.
"The darkest hour in any man's life is when he sits
down to figure how to make money without earning it." Horace Greely
This whoosh of yours. Is it supposed to be condescending
and make me look foolish? It does the opposite Bill. It is the fool who says in
his heart there is no God. We are not on the same side. The world view you
espouse is exactly that of Stalin, Mao and dare I say Hitler. Tyrants are
agnostic. Freedom is found only in Christ. It has been an interesting exercise
communicating with you. In a battle it is likely you and I would not join. We
are done.
"make me look foolish?"
that is your monopoly power, not
mine. I have only the ability to make myself look foolish / wise or whatever
and point out the wisdom / foolishness of others. Proceed on the following
assumptions and you get the following consequences (according to history, no
"There is a god"
(assumption): attempting to impose speculative "knowledge" regarding
"god's will" on "heretics" (disbelievers)
"There is no god". (cannot
prove) Therefore, there is no gods (natural) law, only "rule of man",
attempting to impose speculative "opinion" on "heretics"
(free mankind)
"God exist / not is
unproven" (FACT), therefore of "no force and effect" so far as
natural law (action leading to known consequences under known environmental
conditions) is concerned. We can know only that for which there is evidence to
prove hypothesis. Use scientific method to determine truth. Consequence:
Continuous renaissance, a general adaptation to excellence (understanding and
dealing with reality), peace (collective survival), ultimately, reach for the
stars, look for "fit" intellectual company.
I am on
the side of fact and reason, YOU ask me to "believe" without
evidence. I WILL NOT. Who's the fool here, and, is the definition of fool a
subjective "those who disagree with you", as opposed to objective
those who disagree with provable reality"? I can understand why atheists are such losers!
prince of this world blind man's eyes. He gives them minds full of rubbish
leaving them thinking they are intelligent and really at the heart they are
fools. I was once blind but now I see.
mote in YOUR eye
Religion: A system of foundational presuppositions used to
answer metaphysical questions. Atheism has a system of foundational
presuppositions used to answer metaphisical questions. Ergo, atheism is a
religion. As a matter of historic fact, the political view of atheism, that
being Communism/socialism, has murdered millions in comparison to other
religions. The existence of God is a separate issue than that of religion . The
article Production vs. Plunder is quite remiss in not making this distinction.
It must do so if the author wishes his missive to be taken seriously by
thinking individuals. HK
And I
would add: blaming God(big g) for the men's(humankind's) serious flaws in
trying to get the easy life by having everything provided by kings, gods(little
g) is a huge omission of distinction.
BS: A system of foundational
presuppositions used to answer metaphysical questions. 'cuz if it is not
observable and measurable, it is unsubstantiated opinion.
Q: how many angels can dance on the
head of a pin?
A: as many as you allege, since they have no mass nor dimension, not proof
(nor, perhaps, existence)
TRUTH: A system of foundational
symbols (language) used to describe, with 1 to 1 correspondence (no more, no
less) observable, measurable natural phenomena which can then be used to build
a logically consistent intellectual model of reality, used to answer REAL
questions. No presuppositions that are not confirmed by natural law /
AKA: scientific method:
pretty vague (ergo, unfounded,
bordering on rude) criticism of a worthy article regarding the foundations /
observed phenomena of history and rise and fall of civilizations and reasons
Paul Rosenberg
I guess
you will believe it when YOU are plundered, or wake up to the fact. Or, did the
devil make them do it?
science, observation, measurable data cannot answer metaphysical questions. One
cannot prove or disprove God with science. God exists outside your opinion or
Thus, I have ZERO interest in
speculation (metaphysics).
"God exists"
a "foundational
presupposition" in your terminology.
And, if God exists, the burden of
proof is on those who so allege. The rest of us just shake our heads at this
profound waste of speculative "effort", and wait for the evidence.
BUT, I do have "issues"
with HOW the religious are manipulated against objective reason (interfering
with reality consensus) and, in your terms, acknowledging the supremacy of
"god's laws":
you are wrong my friend. If God exists the burden of proof is on Him, it, she .
. . Our burden is to be open to all possibilities and not shut our minds off
just because something doesn't jibe with want we wish or want to be true.
whoosh, logical fallacy of
"proving a negative"
only if your foundational presupposition denies God existence, would it be a
negative. And thus the unscientific mind is exposed. The circular reasoning of
false science: if science can't prove it, it doesn't exist. And if it does not
exist then science can't prove. So, we are back to God being God outside of any
proof of science. Now, how does all of this apply to the article of origin?
not very truthful, eh, you reversed
my point to appear to "win" (to fools):
-to allege "god does not exist" is to make the logical fallacy of
having to prove a negative, so, I don't.
-to allege "god does exist" is to depend on "foundational
presuppositions" and NO evidence, so I don't
-only if your foundational presupposition denies God existence (I did NOT
presuppose this)
so, by misquoting me, you fooled
yourself and got your "high" of believing your
"intellectual" superiority and, trumped (your delusion) an assumed
idiot (me). You some kinda lawyer (sophist)?
I still don't get YOUR original
"point" regarding this article being "unserious". It is
that it is not "god approved" and, therefore not "what you want
to hear" (truth)?
I shoulda
said WHOOSH!!!
God does exist, and the proof is quite evident. It takes a leap of faith, and
closed eyes to science, to deny. So, it is the one who denies that is guilty of
fallacy. Truth is reality. The article in question blames religion for much of
the world's ills and tyranny. I do not disagree with this. My main point was
that religion and God are two seperate things. Atheism is a religion which
begins with a faith statement, there is no god. In human liberty questions men
would be wise to search the mind of the Creator. The founders and the framers
did, regardless of their religion. To your question, I am an entrepreneur,
scientist and an amateur Constitutional scholar. We are both students of
lost post?
Disqus's occasional bad habit of apparently randomly sending things off to
moderation queue… (and not having moderators available 24/7!)
You have not run afoul of an atheist
(fools) or believer (also fools), but an agnostic (show me the PROOF, ELSE you
are wasting your effort and my time). So, you are disputing my atheism, which
does not exist. A falsely framed "philosophical"
"argument", falsely treating me as a strawman, to toot your
"god" horn.
what you don't KNOW can kill you,
just as what you "believe" you KNOW can kill you. The "my god is
better than your god" WARS have been very costly for mankind, just as the
"my philosophy is better than your philosophy" and self-alleged
"right to forcefully impose it" WARS have and are deadly, with
escalating collateral damage.
The ONLY thing I agree with you about
is that atheism is based on "god does not exist" assumption and is THEREFORE
also a false "philosophy", as is religion with absolutely no way to
know of god's existence or "will" outside of natural law, which is a
"creation of god", if he/she exists, else, "what IS", if
god does not exist. In either case "natural law" is a force not to be
dismissed, else, ultimately be smited by the costs of divergence from reality.
The "judgement" for hubris, if you will, strategically denied by
arbitrary power (rule of man) for all of history, a growing peril, here and
now, given nukes and "poor losers".
I provided a link above regarding HOW
the religious and secular have been manipulated to be "at odds" and,
where the common ground lies, so we can cooperate and turn as one against our
common enemies (slavers). Another WHOOSH, right over your head.
THINK, be FREE, "live and let
this is not about penetrating your dogmatism. If is to tip the unconvinced
sitting on the fence to the side of established fact and reason.
I do not care much for nations, nor royalty (whilst being
a native of the British Isles) or anything else of the sort either - including
most certainly religion. None of that is any-more than the past generation's
false paradigms; which they were sold, swallowed, died for and passionately
believed in just as undoubtedly tomorrow's majority will support the coming new
order with similar simple allegiance and vigour.
Can't wait until we meet
extraterrestrials, that'll unite us in "common interest" against what
may not actually be (but will be alleged to be) an enemy, or, at least one that
can be defeated. Nixon reportedly mused with
Brezhnev, attempting to de-escalate.
feeling particularly cynical
(realistic) today?
suggest that "global and total war against predators" is the cure for
what ails us.
Not so
sure that a extraterrestrial species that have advanced sufficiently to have
sorted space travel will still be thinking that "global and total war
against predators" provides for anything good. Indeed if such a prospect
of visitors can be legitimately envisioned, which I do not rule out, maybe they
are not too fussed to make themselves known just yet; whilst we still are drawn
towards rulers instead of leaders, psychopaths instead of philanthropists.
Agree with you, but, bet they (if
exist) once did think "global and total war against predators" was a
neccessary step to childhoods end and maturity beginning.
Unless the predators are dealt with,
scientific advances will continue to be turned to a means of enslavement and
war. We will not be crusin the stars so long as they keep us in the mud
fighting each other and / or them, to their profit.
To be among the stars, spacers have,
as a necessary step defeated their predatory impulses. Progress requires peace
and cooperation. Predators are incapable of this and root cause of war.
I like the "Gort" solution
from "Day the earth stood still". Quicker than natural law inevitably
triaging those unfit to survive (evil, ant-life, line spelt backwards). I would
much rather "do something" than debate this resolved issue to death.
point out watch the original "day the earth stood still" (1950's).
The new, improved version "accidentally" omits the reason we are
considered by ET for destruction is our predatory behavior, which is not to be
tolerated among the more evolved. And, in the "new, improved"
version, Gort is a blunt instrument of destruction as opposed to selective
"smiter of those who initiate aggression"
all reading here would like to consider the opportunity presented and benefits
which can be quite effortlessly provided by extraterritorial forces if
extraterrestrial beings are a giant leap too far for mankind to process and
accept is just a small quantum communications step for them to protect and
further exploit ......... IT Futures and Cyber Derivatives with Virtual Options and Real
And not
so much a Fifth Column, more AIRevolutionary Guard ....... Unifying Virtual
Force with Immaculately Resourced Assets and Titanic Head Quartered ‽ I Kid U Not.
I agree and go one step further. It
is not so much 'predatory behaviour' that needs to end as it is the usurpation
of human society, human energy, human vitality into the servitude that is the
acceptance of and belief in the cult of 'the state'. Belief in some prevalent
form of the cult of 'the state' is the precursor for all organised and
destructive predatory behaviour outside of the primitive.
Since the existence of 'the state'
provides a mechanism ideal for those of pure psychopathic personality types to
thrive and rise, almost exclusively, to the positions of greatest 'authority'
and power it is inevitable that 'the state' manifests as having ,first and
foremost, a psychopathic personality itself. The state is psychopathic.
Not only do I think that it is
improbable that any species developed enough the employ space travel is still
so under developed it needs to find the very few planet where life has evolved
and then still act in a primitive and predatory manner.
I think
it most improbable a species could develop the intellectual or economic means
to achieve the significant developments necessary whilst still being hobbled by
the ineffectiveness the illusion for the necessity of 'the state' will
inevitably cause.
" it is improbable that any
species developed enough the employ space travel"
the west is NOW organizationally, financially and collective "vision /
ambition", incapable of sending a man to the Moon, let alone Mars, assuming
the first "success" was not a Hollywood stunt.
We are
a long way from meaningful space travel. We do not even know how to protect
humans from the radiation prevalent in space.
I work
with the people who solve those problems. We're a lot closer than you think.
them how to protect humans from the radiation they will be exposed to in a
spacecraft that can be launched from earth, where of significant interest you
can travel to in something less than a human lifetime, how the ship will be
powered and propelled, how a human can endure long-term weightlessness, and how
air, water and food will be provided. There are many ideas but nothing
wouldn't be surprised at all if someday we are introduced to the extraterrestrial.
But I don't think they will have come from a different part of the galaxy. I
think they will be a stand offish tech trick manufactured right here on earth.
But the hucksters had better hurry...information and discernment is spreading
fast. Their own libraries of knowledge are becoming obsolete.
mean a sort of psyco-op 'false flag' alien invasion, as a Serge Monast style
event: one there is no evidence for other than the idea itself presented as
fact. But sure, following the hoodwinking event of 911 we must all learn to:
accept nothing, question everything.

Kings of old often did consider themselves gods, they
still do, that is their problem, these monarchs of doom and glum. Apocalypse,
end of the world, end times, all come from these usurpers of liberty. And the
sad fact is, in our time they have the ability to do just that, end the world.
Our problem is, how to get rid of these loons, without killing all of us, in
the process. When their imagined authority over us is challenged, their
reaction becomes suicidal, just to maintain that authority, because, they know
they be mortal, and they do not believe in "its a good day to die".
As in the ancient hero's story of Uruk, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, as written on the
tablet "lapis lazuli", Gilgamesh the tyrant ruler of the city Uruk
and Enkidu a wild hairy hunter living with the animals, and the creation of the
gods to rival Gilgamesh. The moral to this story, being, the inevitability of
ageing and death. The usurpers of liberty found out, they be no better than the
average Joe, and they be not gods at all, one day they will die. The reason for
the pyramids, the search for the fountain of youth, the experiments with DNA,
cryogenic freezing and all the other insane manipulations of chemical
indigestions (pills), all to find Immortality. Kings of old often consider
themselves gods, they still do. That is the problem!!!

Also, Catholic Priests, using
information gleaned from confession built social maps of who was interacting
with who and profiled people in order to identify opponents and quash
The Communication infrastructure of
caller ID (know who's communicating with who) achieves the same thing and now,
this along with the internet has created "social networking". Those
who provide this capability and control the information have the ability (if
participants foolish) to detect budding re-evolution and squash the instigators
like bugs before anyone is the wiser. This is the "point" of adding
backdoors to our IT devices, to make our property spies for arbitrary power.
And yes, being spied upon (and terror
of being perceived as enemy of power) does have a very chilling effect on free
speech, innovative thoughts and actions. Combine this with lobotomized skool,
suppression of real information and history and, you get what we've got: a
social / economic lobotomy, extinct innovation and productivit,y a civilization
spiraling down the drain to the dustbin of history (if we are lucky), nuclear
war, if not.
It was no accident that the British
Empire outlawed slavery. They were not saints and, their rulers were perhaps as
evil intentioned as ours. The difference is that past rulers of western
civilization were smarter, or at least better informed. They had direct
experience with slavery and KNEW it cannot and never can be profitable. Slaves
control their own work output and, when the "what's in it for me
question" is not answered to their satisfaction, reduce work output such
that it costs more to care for and attempt to control them than can be gained
in profit. Slavery, by input costs and output production IS UNPROFITABLE.
Any unprofitable social / economic
organization eventually implodes to "war of all, against all" and
mass starvation in the absence of a REAL self-interest answer to the
"whats in it for me" (for the potentially productive) question:
This was all KNOWN "as A
fact" centuries ago and, perhaps still is. The difference between slavery
THEN and slavery NOW is that then, there was NO viable ANSWER to the
"whats in it for me" question apart from "obey, or be
whipped". NOW, the "whats in it for me" question has a
counterfeit "fiat currency and derivatives" ANSWER whose
"value" is NOT established by us (free market), but by forcefully
imposed "decrees of man": "trade in this ONLY, or else". We
have seen they are serious regarding "or else" by the smiting of
Hitlers Germany (bartering manufactured goods for natural resources, decreeing
war on Jewish Banksters and, Jews in general), Iraq / Hussein (Oil bourse in
Euros) and Gaddafi (gold backed pan-African Dinar).
And now, China, Russia and BRICS plus
some key western "allies" are flirting with alternative "medium
of exchange" ("money"), financial trade systems, etc.
A very big "hot button" has
been pushed for a very dangerous feral beast, trapped in a corner by its own
lies and consequences.
The internet reformation "watches", the unseen
brain thinks. the unseen hand (of our collective choices), free market chooses:
fit, or not?
see more
post, Bill. How to get slaves to produce the whips to be used upon them? Dad
might say, "go outside and choose the switch off a tree with which to
exact your punishment". This is a terrifying decision to make because one
just knows a twig won't do. This psychology stunt may work when the child is
dependent on the patriarch for his well being. The patriarch model goes into
the dumpster when self proclaimed authoritarians are actually dependent on
informed...former human chattel.

greedier people are, the faster the stored wealth of our civilization is
And as you also say here "Any unprofitable social / economic organization
eventually implodes to 'war of all, against all' and mass starvation in the
absence of a REAL self-interest answer to the 'whats in it for me' (for the
potentially productive)…"
I definitely see this happening all around me in the here and now with people
frazzled trying to keep up and all the consequences that go with pressure yet
not pushed enough as yet to pull back and see the broader picture or
investigate the details of the same. And then I hear: Elon Musk reported on
mainstream media declaring that cheap and abundant renewable energy is at our
fingertips and he will deliver it, CBC radio discuss the new 'sharing economy'
which will transform the world (for the better of course) as subsequent
generations run open sharing options alongside , considerations that Edward
Snowden is a plant of the USA CIA, the New Democrats (sort of socialists) might
actually win in conservative Alberta, and police in Baltimore are being charged
with the murder or manslaughter of Freddie Gray, etc. This all happening
seemingly very very recently amidst all the current frenzy yet creating a real
or illusory picture ( which no one knows for sure how to interpret) that things
are improving.
Good grief. Yes, people plod on as there appears no way out from the relentless
march of the predator/prey human story. Or is there?

"Or is there?"
Of course there is. Has, many times
in history as civilizations rose and fell (were "taken down by barbarians",
productive "gave up").
Once the predators have AGAIN totally
decimated the productive (lack of vigilance). and, residual productivity (the
civilized remnants) are "hiding their light under a bushel" (as the
bible puts it) and, we are all starving and being hunted as "long
pork" (as in 100 Years War), then, from this position of "equality of
impoverishment" (where nobody can enslave the productive and "put on
airs" of being superior, then, from a position of equality on the edge of
survival, sanity may be able to prevail.
So long as there is something left to
steal and inadequate Blowback, predators will DO the only thing they KNOW:
prey, ON YOU.
BLAME your skool, history teachers
and lyin MSM for not already KNOWING these crucial facts of civilization. The
barbarians are not only beyond the gate, they ARE the gate. Really think our
predatory "gatekeepers of truth" want people to know they and all
they strive for are merely a crop, to be harvested?
and, the "law"? Don't even
get me started.
BIGGEST LIE is that "evil does not exist", or, if it does, can be
"reasoned with". And "reason" is compromising what cannot
be compromised: survival.
Production Versus Plunder Part 6
By Paul Rosenberg - May 09, 2015
Any freedom advocate has to be amazed by the fact that millions
of people seem emotionally bound to their abusers. Today, we'll explain how
that began and uncover its roots.
the years between 5400 and 3000 B.C., a great trade took shape, a trade between
great numbers of humans and the hierarchical states that ruled them. This was a
trade, not of money and goods or even of fear and safety. Instead, it was a
psychological trade. And, being psychological (thus internal) meant that the
trade was difficult to clearly identify.
It is
unlikely that this trade was purposely developed. Rather, it arose unexpectedly
as several factors came into play in the same place and time:
The painful conflicts
built into human character
Rulers trying to convince
their subjects to pay taxes willingly
A populace with their
actions increasingly constrained by regulations
A populace with their
thoughts increasingly constrained by fear of punishment
first point above is of great importance. Humans are internally
conflicted beings. This is inherent in human nature – we are all born to
it and suffer accordingly.
We love
family, we seek faithful mates; we know that children are happier and better
when they are raised with two loving, committed parents. Yet, we have animal
mating instincts that would drive us to other sexual partners.
we see and value hard work, honest dealing and loyalty. Yet, we have impulses
that would drive us to grab what is available in front of us, whether it be
honest or not.
set of inherent conflicts can certainly be trained and controlled to a very
considerable extent (in fact, most of us do control ourselves quite well most
of the time), but it takes considerable time and effort, and thus remains a
universal problem. It has driven many developments in religion and
philosophy... indeed, it is involved in almost all expressions of religion to a
greater or lesser extent.
crucial factor here is simply that most men and women do feel
conflicted, insecure and confused, and that they lack the time, skill or desire
to fix the problem. It is too hard. So, they find ways to work around it, most
notably to seek belonging in a group, with the half-conscious thought that by
being merely one of many, blame and shame will not attach to them.
Great Trade was, and is, this:
state and/or church presents themselves to men as a superior entity – higher
than man. To be joined to them provides sanction from a higher source than that
of their internal conflicts.
In our
times we often hear this expressed as: People need to belong to something
larger than themselves. They need to sublimate their confusion and conflicts
into a higher entity.
effect, the man or woman's internal conflicts become less important than the
entity to which they are joined. It is the great assurance from the great
adult, and it is ever-so-easy to accept, since perhaps every other human you've
ever known has done the same.
that blame for this trade does not lie with the state. Frankly speaking, the
rulers weren't smart enough to have figured this out in advance. They merely
watched as it developed and slowly learned how to take advantage of it. The
majority of blame lies with the people who flocked to the deal. Again, it was
so much easier than having to make peace with one's self.
trade is the magic secret of politics and of rulership.
People wanted the Divine Right of Kings. They need to think
of their Leader as a superior being. Rulers and politicians merely play their
roles as public theater.
You can
also see from this why political science is so seldom scientific: The magic
ingredient buried in it is anything but, and indeed, may not be explicitly
named without calling millions of comfort-transactions into question.
We have
now been analyzing the charters of the subjects at some length, but before we
leave the subject, it is important to explain why such discussions have some
validity. After all, making grand pronouncements about millions of greatly
varying individuals is beyond the scope of normal human ability and this tends
to make such discussions seem almost arrogant. However, it is, in some very
important ways, easier to analyze many than it is one, so long as we realize
that any individual may vary from our conclusions. This is actually the same
technique that is used in the analysis of gasses:
to analyze the motions of each individual molecule of a gas is a practical
impossibility. They push against each other randomly, impart momentum back and
forth, and travel at constantly varying rates of speed. To measure each one,
chart each one and determine from a study of 10x1024 individual molecules what
will happen from compressing them would be a ridiculous waste of time and
energy, presuming that we had the capacity even to do it. But
we can tell – almost perfectly – what a volume of gas will do, if we
take it as a whole. Compress it and it heats, decompress it and it cools. This
we can determine with great precision. In the same way, we are often more
accurate in analyzing the character of a mass of humans than we are when trying
to analyze just one.
final but important area of exploration is the mind of the ruler. Rulers and
subjects face very different sets of incentives, which greatly affect not only
their actions, but their attitudes.
A first
fact to reestablish is that the rulers of this era were generally from a
different cultural background than that of their subjects. As mentioned
earlier, the consciences of these people were informed by sky gods who imposed
power from above and by clan groupings that featured dominance and structure.
They were emotionally suited to plunder. Thus, to rule over others was far
easier for them than it would have been for average farmers.
the primary incentive for these rulers was simply to stay in power. One reason
for this was simply that humans experience increased levels of pleasurable
hormones1 when in positions of power. It literally feels good.
Another was that being deposed could mean death. Add to that the related perks
of status and wealth, and not many rulers walked away from power. Plus, they
wanted to pass this great advantage along to their children, and to see them
prosper and rule after them.2
incentives above, however, are fairly common among rulers of every era. What
set this era's rulers apart was the need for ferocity. Whether (early) to get
farmers to capitulate, or (late) to keep sub-rulers in obedience when you were
away, the newness of the rulership enterprise plus the extremely low population
density made extending power difficult. Ruling one settlement could be done
fairly well if the settlement was not large and if you remained there. But if
you wished to rule another three or four nearby settlements as well, you needed
to extend your power. And, since soldiers were expensive, other methods were
difficulty was solved with ferocity and fear. The rulers of this era were
especially willing to boast of the horrible pain and punishments they inflicted
upon anyone who rose against them or refused them. They wanted people to hear
about these things and to fear disobedience.3
And, as
mentioned in the previous section, the ruler had to play the role of being a
better class of human, embodying the Higher Power.
are a few quotations from the period:
Assyrian ruler, Ashurnasirpal II:
stormed the mountain peaks and took them. In the midst of the mighty mountain I
slaughtered them, and, with their blood, dyed the mountain red like wool... I
carried off their spoil and their possessions. The heads of their warriors I
cut off, and I formed them into a pillar over against their city. Their young
men and their maidens I burned in the fire... I flayed all the chief men who
had revolted and I covered the pillar with their skins; some I walled up within
the pillar; some I impaled upon the pillar on stakes... Many within the border
of my own land I flayed, and I spread their skins upon the walls, and I cut off
the limbs of the royal officers who had rebelled.
Poem of Culgi:
I, the
king, was a hero already in the womb; I, Culgi, was born to be a mighty man. I
am a fierce-looking lion, begotten by a dragon. I am the king of the four
regions; I am the herdsman and shepherd of the black-headed people. I am a
respected one, the god of all the lands.
I am a
king treated with respect, good offspring from the womb. I am Lipit-Ectar, the
son of Enlil. From the moment I lifted my head like a cedar sapling, I have
been a man who possesses strength in athletic pursuits. As a young man I grew
very muscular. I am a lion in all respects, having no equal.
I am a
gaping dragon, a source of great awe for the soldiers. I am like the Anzud
bird, peering about in the heart of the mountains. I am a wild bull whom nobody
dares oppose in its anger. I am a bison, sparkling with beautiful eyes, having
a lapis-lazuli beard.... With my kind eyes and friendly mouth, I lift people's
spirits. I have a most impressive figure, lavishly endowed with beauty. I have
lips appropriate for all words. As I lift my arms, I have beautiful fingers. I
am a very handsome young man, fine to admire.
I am
Lipit-Ectar, king of the Land. I am the good shepherd of the black-headed. I am
the foremost in the foreign countries, and exalted in the Land. I am a human
god, the lord of the numerous people. I am the strong heir of kingship. Holding
my head high, I am established in my position.
in particular.
2I am
bypassing the important topic of sociopathy here. It will appear in the second
edition of Production Versus Plunder.
3It is
of some interest that the first ruler of men mentioned in
the Bible is also the first man with an impressive legend: Nimrod,
the mighty hunter.
I like Mr. Rosenberg's juxtaposition of molecules and
individuals in attempting to determine behavior. I'm reminded of a line in Men
in Black where K tells his protege that "a person is smart but people are
dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it." One thing about rulers.
All people are conflicted and self-aggrandizing, the non-rulers and the rulers.
All men are the same regardless of their position or status. No man or woman
can be trusted with power. Not you, not me, not anybody. Some will have enough
ethical moorings to with stand using power to fulfill their own lusts, some
won't. Either way men must be checked and held accountable for their individual
actions. Nobody gets to hide behind the vial of government for excuses of
misuse of power. Hence the Nuremberg trials.
“Comfort-transactions sets of
incentives most men and women do feel conflicted, insecure and confused, and
that they lack the time, skill or desire to fix the problem.”
the result of social engineering: various systems of
indoctrination beginning with government public “education;” (individual
“failures” are now often “treated with Psychotropic medication and other forms
of behavioral manipulation); Main Stream Media and Play Station entertainment
devices continues as a social suave, enabling individual confidence throughout
the remainder of ones’ civic- corporate “life”; --- until the advent of a godly
successor Papa-Momma Rat combination rules us? But I error in supposing they be
Rats generating us precious little mice, as their offspring; ------rather, and
evidently, we currently are under the rule of a brother-sister duet: Sister
Hillary is sure to be up next! And, however well versed in “the Law,” one might
just believe that the US Constitution forbids dynastic rule.

Easer analyzing the mass, than analyzing the one. The
reason for governments and mega-cities. Keep the pressure on, and easer to
control, take the pressure off, and loose control. Make a law to tell the mass
you can't do that, because, one did that once apon a time. The one was punished
for his individuality, but, the mass was told there is no individuality, see
what happens when you become an individual, and are not apart of the mass, you
are punished. Human individuality and liberty, of course has been their nemesis
since time began. You can't be a human god, when someone else thinks he is a
human god, a god sets the rules on how everyone live and dies, how can there be
different rules, when you be god, you be perfect, your rules must be perfect.
The beginnings of tyrannical socialistic collectivism. Today is no different,
than yesterday, they still think this way. They believe themselves to be gods,
their problem is true gods don't die. They say power corrupts, no power makes
you insane and a danger to civilization, because, these insane human's think
they are gods. Truth is, all humans are liberated from the collective and we
have to find away to do away with these monarchs of the collective, same today
as yesterday. Sad thing,so many think these megalomaniacs, believe, they are

let them burn you at the stake, for being different (and thus, by definition,
don't like people like you and I, Bill. We don't conform or compute, in their
minds. We could be a problem. And isn't it grand. Thing is, I don't want to be
a god, I want to be left alone to live, to live as I choose. To do no harm, to
do my own TPP (partnership) with my neighbors. To not be subjected, to a
blowhard bean counter in some sector of the world, that I care little about.
They don't like people like us!! We are un-collectivized.
"their minds" are full of
dogma. Their choices, by divergence from objective reality, dooms them.
the "trick" is to walk the
fine line between vexing them and nudging them towards the doom they seek and,
avoiding becoming collateral damage in THEIR war on reality. After all, what
can "false gods" do, apart from attempting to create THEIR reality, which
all of natural law is totally opposed to.
all is said and done, our hubristic "rulers" have peni$ envy for the
power and glory of natural law.
Ah, yes
the reason for the towers of babul. They still build those. Must be the cold
water, their trying to get above. You may have hit the nail on the head.
"Remember that there will be
difficult times in the last days. People will be selfish, greedy, boastful, and
conceited; they will be insulting, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful,
and irreligious; they will be unkind, merciless, slanderers, violent, and
fierce; they will hate the good; they will be treacherous, reckless, and
swollen with pride; they will love pleasure rather than God; they will hold to
the outward form of our religion, but reject its real power. Keep away from
such people. Some of them go into people's houses and gain control,...but they
will not get very far, because everyone will see how stupid they are...and evil
persons and impostors will keep on going from bad to worse, deceiving others
and being deceived themselves." (Edited and condensed for clarity from the
Good News translation of II Timothy 3)
well, if you want to get all mythical:
"god" thwarted THEM by
"confounding languages" so cooperation in building the tower of babel
was impossible.
attempt to thwart us (self-rulers) by confounding knowledge, hoping we will be
too confused and too busy fighting other idiots to cooperate against THEM.
"Congress Tells Court that
Congress Can't be Investigated for Insider Trading" ~ posted at The
Martha Stewart gets a tip, makes $5K
spends a year in the grey bar motel. Queen Pelosi gets a tip, makes $70K with
her VISA IPO and she's an entrepreneurial genius. We have allowed the hidden
rulers, the banking Demonic Warlords to have control over the political puppet
show and the parrot press echo chamber. These genocidal psychopaths have
repeatedly stated that 90% of humanity MUST be exterminated, and now have the
fatal threat vectors to accomplish this goal. Willful ignorance will not spare
you from this Apocalypse....
Find and share is your duty as an Earthling.
Stewart went to prison not for insider trading but for lying to the federal
investigators. She was actually acquitted of the insider trading charge.
PR: "One final but important
area of exploration is the mind of the ruler"
Machiavelli, in "The
Prince" (ruler "how to") advised: The FIRST TASK of any aspiring
ruler is to conquer YOUR own passions and rule (control) yourself:
So, if ANYONE wants to rule,
including self rule, this is what must be done.
...and, there are formidable
APPEARING (mostly internal) barriers erected by the social
"engineers" (psychiatric "profession", social
"scientists", central control of information and skool), Pavlov
conditioning YOU in favor of social consensus (herd "truth") as
opposed to the truth provable by you, a unique individual, pondering the unique
aspects of your environment, which constitutes your "reality":
So, free YOUR mind. All else follows,
especially the crucial ability to ignore idiots, starting with the fool in YOUR
...and YOU wonder why rulers have
such contempt for YOU.
The REASON that the west is in servitude is because YOU do
not develop / exercise the ability to "control yourselves", leaving a
power vacuum for others to do so.

Given my time on the planet and my education...way back, I would posit they had
not achieved a required level of perfection in social engineering and education
which from my point of view, draws me to alternative sites like the DB and
others and interact with those, generally, of freer minds, and see the game
that is being played.
I question what the demographics are of the visitors and especially the posters
on the various alternative media sites that are not entertainment focused
(Facebook and its ilk), but focus more on taking the "red pill" of
expanding knowledge and truths and alternatives to the current
"rulers" and the "rulers rulers"?
Having children I would posit they have more perfected the craft of social
engineering in the schools. While there is a view to "equal rights/opportunity,"
also creating an economic model which requires two producers that, only in rare
cases, negates the parents being more involved and having an impact as respects
truly "educating" their children, thereby fomenting a class that
questions and seeks change to the status quo. This supports the servitude,
allowing the vacuum not only to be created at an early stage, but to have it
fully filled in the form desired.
Versus Plunder' ~ Part 7
By Paul
Rosenberg - May 16, 2015
There have been lots of complaints about governments sticking
their fingers into school curricula... and the people complaining have been
right; setting knowledge free from the state was the key to its growth. We'll
cover the story this week.
Chapter Three:
Classical Civilization
Our love of what is beautiful does not lead to extravagance; our
love of the things of the mind does not make us soft. – Pericles
Even though there was a long and dark period following the
catastrophe of 1200 B.C., men did, eventually, re-gather themselves and begin
to move forward again. But this was not a cold restart. Tremendous amounts of
knowledge had been assembled and passed on. Men knew what had been done and
more or less how to do it. They still may have suffered from a delusion that a
great hierarchical empire was necessary as a catalyst for human progress (as
evidenced by the fact that they kept trying to rebuild them, and perhaps by the
fact that hierarchy is still considered necessary and good), but they did
understand many things, such as:
- Farming.
- The
calendar and seasons.
- Trade.
- Seafaring.
- Rudimentary
- Basic
- The
use of currency.
- Accounting.
- Reading
and writing.
- Metallurgy.
(Brass, copper, iron.)
- Military
- Music.
- Art.
The Greek Dark Age was shockingly long. The previous, warlike,
Mycenaean civilization vanished at some point between 1200 and 1150 B.C., along
with writing and many other things. Stunningly, no visible progress occurs for
almost four hundred years. As shown above, there was not an absolute lack of
knowledge at this time, especially for the Greeks, whose lives were closely
aligned with the sea. All through these dark years, there did remain a
sea-faring culture that had not failed at 1200 B.C. – the Phoenicians. This
Semitic merchant culture was thriving in the Mediterranean during this time and
they definitely had outposts where they interacted with Greeks. The later
Greeks (after the roughly four hundred years of silence) certainly borrowed
heavily from the Phoenicians, who had long organized themselves into
city-states and collaborated in leagues or alliances when threatened. They also
developed the first alphabet.
The Phoenicians thrived between 1550 B.C. and 300 B.C., a period
that is interestingly offset from land-based civilizations of the era, and is,
also interestingly, in synch with the Biblical narrative of the Semitic Hebrew
In any case, the Greeks most certainly had retained knowledge
available to them. Nonetheless, they were unable to use it for four hundred
years. Again, this indicates an internal, psychological, reason for dark ages,
and not external reasons.
Power devolved throughout this period, ending up in the hands of
aristocracies. Slowly, equality grew among the different sects of people,
leaving the fundamental unit of organization as the family. It seems to have
been at this point that development restarted.
When the Greeks did begin to recover themselves, one of the
first things they did was to create stories. This was not mere entertainment,
but stories with moral lessons as central elements. And, very importantly,
these stories were not sponsored by, censored by or approved by any state
institution at all. They evolved almost entirely separate from imposed
authority. Stories were accepted and writers rewarded solely upon merit. A good
story teller would prosper and a bad one would not.
Homer seems to be the first great Greek poet to arise. He was,
as is still commonly known, the author of The Iliad and The Odyssey, and seems
to have lived and written in the late 9th Century B.C., close to four hundred
years after the great Catastrophe. Herodotus says that Homer lived four hundred
years before his own time, which would place him at around 850 B.C.1
Sappho was another famed and early Greek poet, living
approximately between 620 B.C. and 570 B.C. In history and poetry texts, she is
sometimes associated with the city of Mytilene on the island of Lesbos. Sapho's
poetry was well known and greatly admired throughout antiquity. Most was
lost, but her immense reputation has endured and is attested to by a few
fragments of her works that have survived.
Many other poets flourished between the 5th and 7th Centuries
B.C., creating all sorts of stories and songs, covering virtually all aspects
of life and generally conveying some sort of message.
Recitations of poetry, especially Homer, were very popular at
Greek festivals of the period. By the 5th Century, there were a great number of
playwrights, such as Thespis, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides and Aristophanes.
Theater performances were extremely popular and were little-connected to the
state. What we think of as entertainment began in Greece, and it was one of the
primary ways in which the Greeks revived themselves and came out of their dark
It is very important to understand that the Greek myths were a
radical departure from those of previous civilizations; they were written so
that people could find meaning in them. The holy writings of the previous
state/church systems were primarily rules of behavior. Do this, and things will
go well. The Greeks had stories that were meant to address the reader's inner
life. The theologies of the empires addressed men's actions; the Greeks had
stories that addressed men's souls. And there was something else: in the Greek
myths, men were not small, insignificant, and powerless before the gods. In the
Greek myths, man challenged the gods, and sometimes won! They beat the gods
through superior thinking. This was a radically new intellectual development.
During the long period prior to 1200 B.C., there were very
strong ties between knowledge and state/church systems. The intellectuals of
the era – the priests – were the keepers of the most important technical
information of the time, astronomical knowledge. They spent considerable time
studying the positions of the sun, moon and stars during the various seasons
and their association with precipitation, freezes and floods. The obvious
reason for this was to keep track of the right times to plant their crops. They
built a variety of naked-eye observatories, usually featuring a round,
artificial horizon and a set of posts or pillars around the edge as measuring
devices. Then, after a few years, they could predict with some assurance when
the last freeze or flood might be expected. This system was eventually replaced
by the calendar, but the important issue is that this knowledge was strongly
controlled by the state/church system, with the knowledge often being
mysticized. This was obviously useful to the cause of rulership.
Mechanical and other types of knowledge prior to this time
generally concerned technologies, not science per se. In other words, it
concerned the end uses of things, not the operating principles. The Greeks,
however, were about to change that forever, and the first of them to do so
seems to have been a man named Thales.
Before Thales (624 B.C.-546 B.C., but these dates are
uncertain), Greeks explained the origin and nature of the world through myths
of gods and heroes. Phenomena such as lightning or earthquakes were attributed
to actions of the gods. Thales attempted to find reasoned explanations of the
world, without presuming the supernatural. In other words, he and others like
him began to inquire not just about how things worked, but why they worked.
According to Herodotus, Thales used his knowledge to predict a
solar eclipse.2 This would have been a monumental thing in the ancient
days, equivalent to being able to read the mind of god. It was certainly a
story that was repeated often. Some of Thales' conclusions later proved to be
highly inaccurate (such as the belief that the continents floated on the oceans
and that earthquakes were caused by collisions), but his method of looking for
reasons was a gigantic leap forward.
Thales was a moral teacher as well. A few of his still-valid and
highly-influential principles were these:
That for which we blame others, let us not do ourselves.
Be rich, yes, for success is sweet. However, do not be rich
A happy man is one who is healthy in body, resourceful in soul
and of a readily teachable nature.
It is with Pythagoras, however, that modern science begins to
take shape. Pythagoras seems to have lived between 580 and 490 B.C., though,
again, these dates are not certain. His pivotal discovery was that music was
based on proportional intervals of the numbers one through four. He believed
that this number system, and therefore the universe's system, was based on the
sum of the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, which is 10. Pythagoreans swore by these
numbers (which they called "the Tetrachtys of the Decad"), rather
than by the gods.
According to legend3, Pythagoras
discovered that musical notes could be translated into mathematical equations
one day as he passed blacksmiths at work and thought that the sounds emanating
from their anvils (when struck) were beautiful and harmonious. He decided that
whatever scientific law caused this must be mathematical and could be applied
to music. He spent time observing the blacksmiths to learn how this had
happened. He examined their tools and discovered that it was because the anvils
were simple ratios of each other, one was half the size of the first, another
was 2/3 the size, and so on.
Pythagoras thus discovered the numerical basis of musical
harmony. He spent a great deal of time examining this subject and decided that
all of the universe could be understood and predicted with numbers. It was one
of the most important intellectual discoveries in history and almost all
subsequent science has used this fundamental premise.
Pythagoras went on to discover the trigonometric theorem named
after him, the square root, that the earth was round, that all planets have an
axis, and that all the planets travel around one central point. He also went on
to form a complex cultic group around his teachings and became highly
secretive. After this point Pythagoras, or at least his followers, seem to have
become overly enamored with their own doctrines and ran boldly into grand
pronouncements for which they had no evidence. The Pythagoreans developed a
series of mystical beliefs that later affected Plato.
1Some modern scholars
question Homer's actually existence. His stories, however, are evidence of his
existence, as are the beliefs of all the ancients (including Herodotus). Added
to this, there is no direct evidence that speaks otherwise.
2This seems to have
been the eclipse of May 28, 585 B.C. as determined by modern astronomic
3And all we really
have are legends, as none of his writings remain to our time.
* * * * *
To be continued ...
I have reason to believe the Greek 'dark age' is in fact a
calendar error. That our dates for antiquity are cross referenced from a
foundation of one Egyptian document in which the lineage of Pharoes has been
written/interpreted as a linear succession - where more likely they included
various contemporaneous city state 'kings'. The thing about having investment
in a model is that everything else is bent to 'fit' in with it rather than have
a lifetime of acquired credibility and reputation undone.
We view all things through the lens of our own conceits - or perhaps if more
gently said, through the distortions of our current value construct - which is
currently operating what I might call a dark age - although there is an
invitation in progress to descend to a deeper level of fear and confusion for
those who find it their identity and protection from wholeness of being.
In order to communicate with or access the consciousness of another, one has to
vibrationally match it. Even to access the consciousness of our personal past,
one has to match it. The conceit of the age is that everyone before us was
essentially more ignorant as we are now 'rational beings' & blah etc. The
control mind of mapping out 'otherness' in order to manipulate it, makes all
things appear in our own image. Life is Infinitely Richer than that. Looking at
the mechanics of anything does not show the consciousness that communicates
through it.
History was not important to many of our own forebears excepting as to
mythologise tribe wisdom - which operates multi-layered information that modern
mind cannot much read beyond some the plot line. I see 'known' history as
having moved into a kind of adolescence that eschews anything from the childish
unless it can be made to witness and support an idea of independence and
self-specialness or superiority.
But maturity often comes as a result of the breakdown of the construct of self
to thus allow a fresh and more integrated wholeness of being to operate from a
true foundation rather than a reactive urge to independence. Curiously the idea
of personal independence is the idea of separation or disconnection from Life
within a framework of coercive power and all that unfolds from it. Creativity
is not associated with coercion but with a free and spontaneous imagination -
ingenuity is associated with coercive agenda. But clever thinking is not
'progress' excepting to the private agenda that seeks to deceive by it. And
which comes to believe power is thereby gained and maintained by falsity and so
believe there is no truth but as power defines and determines.

I love the Daily Bell. This series,
'Production Versus Plunder' is great.
The Daily Bell gets intelligent
comments; unlike the inane comments that other blogs get.
Kudos to the Daily Bell, the writers,
the readers, and those who submit intelligent comments. It's a bright spot in
these dark ages.
I seek Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. What do you seek?
Want to read a great book? I'm in the middle of "The
Golden Mean", by Nelson Hultberg.
HOMER. His poems formed the basis of
Greek education and religion:
Having not been told or certified in the endeavor, but rather wanting the
experience of reading primary source material for myself; and, also, in doing
so I discovered a means to blot out the effects of Main Stream Media, including
Hollywood type entertainments;--- to the point of becoming infatuated with the
reading---; I found myself wanting to take sides in a rivalry against Dante and
Virgil, clever Statists, lying, with fake take-a-ways on Greek Epic verse and
culture. However, recently, I discovered Lucian of Samosata; --- “The whole
existence of pagan theology, which, at the time [Rome 180 CE] these dialogues
were written, was on the decline and may be said to have received its coup de
grace from the raillery of Lucian.”
Education. No such thing. Indoctrination Centers, more
like it, and if you happen to show some modicum of higher intelligences, you
are tested, to see if you really are smarter, and you pass these test, they may
give you a basic education, to see how far you can go. There be no education in
the good old US of A, only indoctrination centers, which they call, public education.
For over 100 years, education has not existed in the U.S; it is a lost
endeavor. The only education children will get, is in the home, and if you have
been dumbed down, your children will even be dumber, then you. It looks as if
the U.S. will be even dumber. U.S. for dummies. History will be even more
irrelevant, in the future U.S. of A. Thank to our, all knowing, all seeing,
government. The dark ages have already started.

Paul, it is interesting that you note the histroy that
Pythagoras discovered the fact of the mathematical relationship of music.
Intimating, of course, that the truth of this relationship was always there and
that Pythagoras discovered it. What has your study shown, if any, was Pythagoras'
thought on the origin of mathematical relationships? What or who created the
reality if this relationship? In Pythagoras mind?
@Paul R: l am REALLY enjoying your perspective of the same
"elephant in the room" that I hunt.
is equivalent to stating "the
severance of control of the intelligent by idiots".
ponder these key points regarding
many aspects of education (to learn
reality so you can be a part of civilization) have been taken out of the hands
of parents and under control of self-alleged "experts":
- cannot attend unless children
vaccinated morphing to social "services" seize children of parents
who refuse to so so.
- any children who exhibit different (individual) behavior are diagnosed as
"ill" and ruthlessly drugged and seize children of parents who refuse
to allow this.
- considered to be "unfair" to separate out the more promising
students for broader and deeper learning, according to ability, to find and
nurture future geniuses and intellectual giants, those capable of rocking the
boat of civilizations and history. The result is that most intelligent students
are bored to tears, can readily perceive educational BS, rebel, tune out and drop
out. An "educational" destruction of "best and brightest."
Because of the alleged "unfairness" of education calibrated to a
students ability, the "lowest common denominator" of indoctrination
that will achieve the perception of a "good" report card for
"educators" is "taught". Even the concept of objective
testing, marks (competition) is considered unfair and "emotionally
damaging" to vulnerable "hearts and minds" who need to be lied
to and not face facts and reality else allegedly be "emotionally damaged"
- children who exhibit "suspicious behavior", such as a toy gun or
"unpopular T shirt" in show and tell or an essay on hot button topics
such as "Mom and Medical Marijuana" are reported to social
"services" and placed at risk.
- Increasingly, parents are marginalized / bypassed and their children, some as
young as five years old are tazered, placed in handcuffs and hauled off to the
pokey. This from those alleging concern regarding "emotionally
damaged" children.
I could go on and on, but all of this
and much else regarding our ability to exist in a peaceful division of labor
civilization, on a collective path to excellence by the knowledge of reality we
learn, comply with and make life better for all who choose to participate
(produce, trade) has been INTENTIONALLY SUBVERTED by central control tyrants
using forceful repetition (Goebbels) of alleged fact to decree a restricted
"reality" where the ONLY allowed / conceivable (restricted
perspective) "reality" is "they master, others serfs".
WE were warned, did not exercise
vigilance and allowed ourselves and our children to be lobotomized and Pavlov
conditioned to collective ignorance and servitude:
And, the basic issue is very SIMPLE.
The last Renaissance (start of exponential growth of civilization) overcame
religious dogma (those who claimed to represent unknowable "gods
will" are IN CONTROL) and established the supremacy of fact, reason and
natural law, which none should dare oppose (history proves the no exceptions
smiting by "unintended consequences" of all who have tried), at their
own peril:
The supremacy of fact and reason
(proven knowledge) is not under direct dispute by our slavers. They avoid a
confrontation on this field of battle, at all costs, having already lost and
will again. What is "under dispute" is who (rule of man) occupies the
position of "master", to be able to "decree of man" the
"official" interpretation (forcefully dominent perspective) of truth
and what it means.
So, the state and its rationalizing
"intellectuals" have seized the position of "blessors of truth
and interpretation" AND, the only information that is ALLOWED to penetrate
our once free market, now regulatory / monopoly captured information outlets
(MSM) and skool is "what is approved" and re-enforces the LIE of
state "usefulness", masking a very dangerous conspiring predatory
force as "for your own good".
Somebody oughta make a law. Oh, wait,
they did:
but it was "educationally"
rationalized away and hidden in some well guarded dusty texts and records of
past court proceedings / argumentation, or, perhaps destroyed by our
"guardians of truth".
And, states occupying the
"guardians of truth" position is a bald faced lie...
...for the same reason that "we,
the people" are the final line in the sand against tyranny, we are also
the guardians of knowledge, especially regarding HOW to live together in a
peaceful division of labor civilization. This knowledge is resident in us, our
social networks and our families.
"Our enemy the state" knows
this, which is WHY they must DESTROY all competing methods of social / economic
organization, especially the family and our means / ability / possibility to
"teach our children well".
And, as Paul points out in his book, once the social /
economic organizational fabric of the civilized is destroyed (or controlled by
barbarians. destroying the peace), according to history, Dark Age is NEXT. The
ONLY thing that is new is nukes which will either vastly deepen the
destruction, or, be an "Extinction Level Event" for all of us.
see more

Thales was CORRECT in his assertion
that "the continents float on oceans and earthquakes are the result of
collisions", but with a twist. Earth has 259 billion cubic miles of mostly
molten rock at +2000C, upon which the thin, less than 40 mile thick cooled
crust floats. Unknown until the third generation of GPS in the late eighties,
but the Moon not only lifts the oceans an average of 3 feet daily, but also
this thin curst, see Wiki/Earth_Tide for details. Pulling these thin, floating
plates causes rips in the undersea rift lines which fill with magma that
solidifies, ratcheting the continents apart and for the leading edge to subduct
the adjoining plate, as the San Andreas is being overridden by increasing
pressure, then sudden earthquake release. The Earth has over 2 million cubic
miles of fissionable Uranium and Thorium in its mantle, subject to VARIABLE
decay rates caused by solar and cosmic rays, and partially protected by a
VARIABLE magnetosphere. This hidden climate change force first described in
"Motive Force for All Climate Change" posted May 2009 and under the
Geo-nuclear tab at the FSS site.
Find and share is your duty as an Earthling.